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Building the business case for PRM

75% of world trade flows indirectly through channels, partners, and ecosystems, according to Canalys. As a result, companies are increasingly reliant on partnerships and ecosystems to drive revenue and deliver more value at a lower cost. Partners, if managed effectively, can significantly help your business scale. Yet, many organizations struggle to manage their partner ecosystem effectively and securing the internal buy-in to invest in partner technology can be quite challenging. This report aims to provide you with a logical guide to help in building a business case for PRM investment.
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In the early stages of building your indirect business, you will likely have a small team relying on spreadsheets and emails to manage your partners. This pragmatic approach works to a point, but it becomes challenging as you scale.

Without investment in automation, your team will spend more and more time on emails, administrative processes, and problem-solving, leaving less time for critical activities like driving revenue growth and nurturing your partner relationships. These challenges only intensify as your company and the number of partners you deal with start to scale.

At this point, you will need to look to automation to help. PartnerRelationship Management (PRM) is software that automates specific channel processes. It can help you streamline your channel operations, improve the partner experience, and empower your account managers to focus on more strategic, high-value tasks. It is the automation engine behind your partner program.

10 steps to build a business case for PRM

Seeking investment for PRM is not always easy. Not everyone in your organization understands the value it will bring. You will be competing internally for budget against other vital functions like marketing, sales, finance, and so on. Leadership will want to see a robust business case based on fact-based research and presented with clarity.

The aim of this guide is to help you build a compelling business case for PRM investment and mitigate the risk of being deprioritized due to a perceived lack of value.

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